Mexico 3

GASHA. Empowering pastoralist communities with low cost technologies.

Challenge: Enhancing Climate Resilience in Remote Communities Using Data and Technology

Mexico 3

The team

A multidisciplinary team integrated by professionals with varied expertise, combining unique perspectives and approaches. This diversity fosters creativity and problem-solving by addressing challenges from different angles, leading to innovative and well-rounded solutions that consider multiple facets of a project, ensuring a more effective and balanced outcome.

Case description

Imagine waking up every morning, unsure of where you’ll have to move just to survive. Picture the uncertainty of not knowing whether the activity that provides you with food and clothing will remain viable. Envision facing adversity daily, just to find a place where you can finally relax.

These are the daily challenges faced by pastoralist communities in the Horn of Africa. In arid and semi-arid regions like Mandera County in Kenya, where 80% of income comes from livestock, recurring climate shocks—such as droughts and pasture scarcity—make livestock losses, displacement, and community conflicts unavoidable, further exacerbating their vulnerability. As a result, young people are often forced to leave their communities in search of better opportunities, making it harder to preserve their traditions and turning these areas into “ghost communities.”

Key statistics


Aid and technological solutions are challenging to implement due to the region’s isolation, harsh weather, nomadic lifestyles, poor infrastructure, low digital literacy, economic barriers, and security concerns. These factors lead to resistance and difficulty in engaging with the community.


To empower Mandera’s pastoralist communities with traceability technology and sustainable practices, enhancing resilience, improving livelihoods, and fostering economic stability in the face of climate challenges.


To provide pastoralist communities with accessible technology and resources for traceability, enabling sustainable practices, improved productivity, and long-term resilience against climate challenges


Meet Gasha, a cutting-edge initiative that fuses advanced technology with the rich heritage of Somali pastoralism. By combining vigilant monitoring and cultural insight, Gasha empowers pastoralist communities with real-time data and predictive tools, shielding their livelihoods from climate threats and ensuring a resilient future with better decision making.

Gasha’s summary.

Gasha is composed of 4 pillars

We would start with a pilot program in a controlled environment, within a defined population, and with a supervised dynamic. Eventually, we will specify a unit price, a break-even point, and a supply chain.

Gasha offers a viable solution by effectively integrating advanced technology with traditional knowledge, providing pastoralist communities with the tools they need to make informed decisions and protect their livelihoods from climate change. Additionally, it is being developed with the vision of expanding this initiative to other countries in need, promoting global resilience in vulnerable communities.


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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

By implementing a solar-powered livestock monitoring device for the Mandera community, this project supports the UN SDGs by enhancing good health through improved livestock management, fostering innovation and infrastructure in rural areas, reducing inequalities by empowering marginalized communities, promoting sustainable agriculture, and encouraging responsible consumption of natural resources.

Sources of consultation

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