Mexico 2

Challenge 5: Data driven water security and safety

Challenge overview

This challenge aims the use of emerging technologies to ensure the availability, quality and equitable distribution of water by leveraging the use of data and improve the efficiency of water management to ensure water security and safety for domesic use

A critical challenge in water resource management is the lack of accurate, accessible, and reliable data as shown in the Dinamic System. This deficiency stems from limitations in monitoring infrastructure, data quality issues, accessibility constraints, and high costs associated with data collection and analysis. These problems hinder effective water resource management, leading to scarcity, pollution, and public health risks.

Important facts

According to a 2019 report by NITI Aayog, a government thinks that 70% of India’s water is polluted, and lack of access to safe water claims the lives of 200,000 people every year.  (Changoiwala, 2023)

Approximately 35 million people lack access to safe drinking water, leading to health problems such as waterborne diseases. (water org, 2024)

It is estimated that waterborne diseases continue to affect arround 38 millions of people in India annually. Deshpande, 2023)

Each year, more than 1.5 million Indian children die from diarrhea. Out of the entire Indian population, experts predict that

Problem Statement

India is facing a severe water quality crisis, with 35 million out of its 1.4 billion people lacking access to safe water. This issue affects both urban and rural areas, exacerbated by industrial and agricultural pollution. Many industries discharge untreated waste into rivers and lakes, while agricultural practices involving heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers further contaminate surface and groundwater.

Even when water is accessible, it is often contaminated with harmful substances like arsenic, fluoride, and nitrates, posing serious health risks. Despite existing regulations to control water pollution, enforcement is weak due to poor monitoring, corruption, and a lack of incentives for industries to comply. This has resulted in widespread pollution with minimal consequences for violators. The public health impact is dire, with widespread waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis, and cholera, alongside chronic conditions caused by long-term exposure to chemical contaminants.

Main challenges of water quality and quantity in India

Lack of Regulation and Enforcement: Even though there are regulations in place for water quality, enforcement is often weak. Many industries and municipalities do not comply with regulations, leading to continued pollution and degradation of water sources.

Pollution from Industrial Activities: Many industries discharge pollutants into rivers and lakes without adequate treatment. This results in contamination of water sources with hazardous chemicals and heavy metals, affecting both human health and ecosystems.

Urbanization and Overpopulation: Rapid urbanization and a growing population strain existing water infrastructure, leading to increased pollution and over-extraction of water resources. This can result in both the depletion of groundwater and the contamination of surface water.

Inadequate Wastewater Treatment: Many cities and towns lack sufficient wastewater treatment facilities. As a result, untreated or inadequately treated sewage is often released into rivers and lakes, contaminating water sources.


System dynamics water management platform enabled with blockchain to enhance water management in Chennai, India 

To create a system dynamics water management platform that leverages real-time data and predictive analytics to improve water availability by giving visibility for improving its management and monitoring water quality. 

Using the system dynamics, that is a powerful methodology for understanding and solving complex problems involving multiple interacting components, like water scarcity, pollution and lack of clean water in Chennai India, we propose the creation of a platform enabled by it and blockchain to provide secure and reliable information of past, current and future scenarios to key stakeholders and decision makers in order to give recommendations and take action to improve the water management, starting in Chennai India. This system dynamics water management platform enabled with blockchain is a scalable technology and might be implemented overtime in other parts of India and the world. 

To address this challenge by using system dynamics, we can formulate and create a model that simulates the complex interactions between various factors influencing water availability, quality, and distribution. System dynamics is a powerful approach for understanding the behavior of complex systems over time with multiple variables by modeling feedback loops, delays, and accumulations.   .

Using system dynamics, a comprehensive model can be developed to capture complex interactions affecting water security. By simulating different scenarios, one can identify effective strategies to ensure the availability, quality, and equitable distribution of water, ultimately improving water management and securing a sustainable future for domestic water use. 

The data and results of the different variables to be addressed and shown is possible from feeding information of databases which will be inputs of the simulations and will allow to analyze various scenarios. This information will help to anticipate actions towards improving water management; its availability, distribution and quality.  

The data will be collected with blockchain, and it will be displayed on a personalized dashboard for all the stakeholders involved providing them reliable and secure visibility of the data at its convenience to take advantage of it and take actions towards improving water management. 

How is going to work?

Real-Time Data Collection and IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors can be deployed across various water sources, treatment facilities, and distribution networks to collect real-time data on water levels, quality, and usage. This data can include parameters like pH, turbidity, temperature, and flow rates (Vassar Labs, 2024). The continuous stream of data ensures that the system dynamics model is always working with the most current information, allowing for more accurate simulations and predictions.

Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning

Predictive analytics uses historical and real-time data to forecast future water demand, potential system failures, and pollution events (Roy, 2024). Machine learning algorithms can identify patterns and trends that might not be immediately obvious, helping to anticipate issues before they become critical. This proactive approach can significantly improve water management by enabling timely interventions.

Blockchain for Data Integrity and Transparency

Blockchain technology ensures that the data collected is immutable and transparent. Each data point can be securely recorded on a blockchain, making it tamper-proof and easily auditable. (Vassar Labs, 2024)This is particularly important for maintaining trust among stakeholders, as it guarantees the accuracy and reliability of the data being used for decision-making.

System Dynamics Modeling

System dynamics models can simulate the complex interactions between various factors affecting water availability, quality, and distribution. By incorporating real-time data and predictive analytics, these models can provide insights into the long-term impacts of different policies and interventions.(Guemouria, 2023) This helps in identifying the most effective strategies for ensuring sustainable water management.


Dashboards for Stakeholder Engagement

dashboard can be developed to visualize the data and simulation results in an accessible and user-friendly manner. This dashboard can display key metrics, trends, and predictions, allowing stakeholders to quickly grasp the current state of water resources and the impact of different management strategies. Interactive features can enable users to explore various scenarios and their outcomes, fostering a collaborative approach to water management.

Community Empowerment and Sustainable Management

By making data and insights accessible through dashboards and blockchain, communities can be more involved in water management decisions. This transparency empowers local stakeholders to participate actively in managing their water resources, leading to more sustainable and equitable outcomes.

Implementation in Chennai, India

For Chennai, a city facing significant water challenges, this integrated approach can be particularly beneficial. Real-time monitoring can help detect and address pollution sources promptly, predictive analytics can forecast water shortages, and system dynamics models can simulate the effects of various interventions. By involving the community and ensuring data transparency, the platform can foster a collaborative effort towards sustainable water management.


The integration of emerging technologies such as IoT, predictive analytics, machine learning, blockchain, and system dynamics modeling offers a comprehensive solution to the complex water management challenges faced by Chennai, India. By leveraging real-time data collection and predictive analytics, the platform can provide accurate simulations and forecasts, enabling proactive water management. Blockchain ensures data integrity and transparency, fostering trust among stakeholders. Dashboards facilitate stakeholder engagement by visualizing key metrics and trends, promoting a collaborative approach to water management.

This innovative approach aligns with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
  2. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – Making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
  3. SDG 13: Climate Action – Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy.
  4. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals – Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.

By addressing water scarcity, pollution, and equitable distribution, this platform not only improves water management but also contributes to a sustainable and resilient future for Chennai’s communities.

Business model canvas

What´s next?


Atal Innovation Mission incubators

Experts from infrastructure programs on both the Danish and Indian

 Jal Jeevan Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti

NITI Aayog​

Danish Environmental Protection Agency​

Embassy of Denmark in India


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Vassar Labs, (2024) Predictive Analytucs for drought, prepareness: a game-changer in water management)

Water org, (2024) India’s water and sanitation crisis