Colombia 3

Challenge 1: Leveraging emerging digital technologies to strengthen water security with Managed Aquifer Recharge

“Our purpose is to revolutionize aquifer recharge in agriculture by combining ancient wisdom with modern technology to ensure water and food sustainability for future generations. We innovate with passion to build a more prosperous and balanced future.”

Dive into our journey!


Roots of Water offers a complete restructuring to ensure aquifer recharge. Our system focuses on working closely with farming communities in the Valle del Cauca in Colombia, a region known for its world-leading sugarcane production. We will create opportunities to change monocultures and transform the ecosystem using artificial intelligence and blockchain. This will help improve the recharge of aquifers and also reduce water use by crops, ensuring community resilience and production against environmental changes. Unlike the current overexploitation of aquifers for large-scale sugarcane production, which causes major problems for local communities, our holistic solution empowers individuals and promotes a sustainable and resilient community, with a vision to expand this model globally.

Reference: Image generated with artificial intelligence

The water crisis is one of the most urgent global problems, affecting billions of people and putting the water security of many regions at risk. According to the United Nations (UN), more than 2 billion people live in countries with significant water stress. It is estimated that by 2030, 40% of the world’s population could face water shortages.

One major factor worsening this crisis is the overuse of aquifers, which are underground sources providing about 30% of the world’s fresh water. These resources, which take centuries to recharge naturally, are being used too quickly due to population growth, increased farming, and industrial development.

In South Asia, for example, the Indus-Ganges Aquifer, one of the largest and most important in the world, is being overused. This aquifer provides water to over 600 million people in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. However, its excessive use has caused a significant drop in water levels, threatening the availability of water for both drinking and agriculture.

Similarly, in Latin America, the overuse of the Guarani Aquifer, one of the largest sources of fresh water on the planet, is causing concern. The Guarani Aquifer covers parts of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Excessive extraction and poor management are putting its ability to supply water to future generations at risk.

In Europe, Denmark also faces significant challenges with managing its underground water resources. In the Copenhagen metropolitan area, the main source of drinking water comes from local aquifers. However, increasing demand and pollution are putting pressure on these resources. In 2020, the Danish Council for Environmental Protection warned about falling groundwater levels and the risk of saltwater intrusion in coastal areas, which could affect the long-term supply of drinking water.

In this global context of growing scarcity and pressure on water resources, the situation in the Valle del Cauca in Colombia reflects these worldwide challenges. With 80% of the country’s groundwater extracted from this region, the Valle del Cauca faces an environmental crisis due to overuse of its aquifers. This is made worse by increasing demand for water for farming, industry, and urban use. This situation not only affects water availability but also causes serious ecological and socioeconomic impacts in the region.

Timeline: A journey through the history of aquifers

By examining the global situation of aquifers, we have identified recurring patterns of use and misuse that have brought us to the critical point we face today. Technological efforts and alliances among different stakeholders have not been enough to reverse the damage. To better understand how we got here and where we might go, we decided to create a quick but significant historical map, highlighting key events from ancient times to the present.

The timeline we have developed traces the use and management of aquifers from ancient times to the present, showing how technologies and practices have evolved and how they have been insufficient to stop degradation. From the ancient well systems in Egypt and Mesopotamia to advanced Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) techniques in the 21st century, this chronology reflects both progress and limitations in the sustainable management of groundwater.

Voros cone diagram: Visualizing possible futures

To delve into how we might address this global challenge, we use the Voros Cone Diagram to map out various possible futures based on current trends identified in the timeline, technological innovation, and international cooperation. We have identified five key scenarios:

Deep Dive into One of the Major Challenges We Face: Our Focus on Agriculture

Increasing water stress poses a significant threat to the global economy and food security. By 2050, it is estimated that 31% of the world’s GDP will be exposed to high water stress, a notable increase from 24% in 2010. India, Mexico, Egypt, and Turkey will be the most affected, accounting for more than half of the exposed GDP.

Food security is also at risk, with 60% of irrigated agriculture facing extreme water stress. To feed a projected global population of 10 billion by 2050, a 56% increase in calorie production will be needed, despite growing challenges from water stress and climate disasters such as droughts and floods.

Reference: Image taken from Smith, J. (2024). Global water stress map projected for 2050 [Image]. In By 2050, Globally 5 Billion People Might Live With ‘Extremely High’ Water Stress For At Least 1 Month Annually: Research. Water Insights.

Problem in Colombia
Focus on the Valle del Cauca: sugar cane production and water stress

In the Valle del Cauca, sugar cane production is one of the main water demands, using 90% of the water for this crop and a large part of the water for people. Sugar cane covers about 200,000 hectares and is a big threat to water resources because of the heavy use of chemicals, which pollute the groundwater.

Professor Mario Pérez from the Institute of Water Resources and Environment at the University of Valle says that the water footprint of sugar cane is very high. It needs three times more water per ton produced compared to corn. In the Valley, 70% of surface water and 90% of groundwater are used for sugar cane production, causing water use conflicts and over-exploitation of resources.

The largest use of water from the Cauca River is for agriculture (75%), followed by industry (14%) and domestic use (9.7%). The concentration of water use by the sugar industry has caused natural imbalances and water conflicts in the region.

Despite efforts to cut water use by 50% through technology and specialized irrigation systems, engineer Douglas Laing warns that the Valley may not be sustainable for sugar cane by 2065. The use of fossil water, up to 20,000 years old, for irrigation is especially worrying. Not taking action to protect this vital resource could have devastating effects on the future of the Valley.

Source: Salta Net

Understanding the problem in a systemic way

Our Vision

Create innovative solutions for aquifer recharge and sustainable water management in agriculture, effectively addressing the challenges of inefficient water use in regions like the Valle del Cauca. We aim to transform global agriculture by empowering communities and stakeholders with technological tools that ensure long-term water sustainability and agricultural productivity.

Reference: Image generated with artificial intelligence

Our Solution

Our solution for aquifer recharge (AG-MAR) is based on three key pillars: advanced technology, nature conservation, and innovative use of traditional knowledge. We combine artificial intelligence and geographic information systems to optimize the placement of aquifer recharge systems, inspired by ancient techniques like the amunas to improve water management and increase efficiency through technology. This makes it easier for farmers’ communities to accept the technology, while also allowing the solutions to adapt and improve based on traditional practices.

Sustainable Aquifer Recharge Solution

Balanced Approach: Our solution integrates three key elements to ensure effectiveness:

  • Advanced Technology: For precise analysis and efficient implementation of recharge systems.
  • Ancient Techniques: Drawing inspiration from traditional methods like amunas to respect and utilize community knowledge.
  • Nature Conservation: Preserving ecosystems and improving water quality with biological methods, ensuring environmental responsibility.

Smart Monitoring:

  • IoT Sensors & Blockchain: We use IoT sensors for real-time tracking of water quantity and quality. Data is recorded on a blockchain to ensure accuracy and security, making it accessible and reliable for stakeholders.

Optimized Water Management:

  • Geographic Information Systems: Identifying the best points for aquifer recharge within watersheds helps us design systems that capture and store water efficiently. This improves agricultural water use, protects ecosystems, and controls surface runoff.

Sustainable Agriculture:

  • Crop Diversification: Over time, our approach aims to transform monoculture farming into more sustainable practices, adapting to the region’s resources.
  • Resilient Strategies: Using excess rainfall for recharge and storing water for dry periods ensures food security and conserves water resources, making the solution resilient to climate variations.

Interactive Platform:

  • User-Friendly Interface: An interactive platform will allow farmers, government agencies, and environmental organizations to access data, participate in decision-making, and collaborate in real time.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous communication and training will integrate innovative technologies like IoT and blockchain for effective and transparent water management.

This approach not only addresses local challenges but also offers a scalable model for global water and food security, adaptable to different regions around the world.

Deepening at technical level

Backstage: How does our artificial intelligence model work?

We use a set of GIS relief images, images with different optimal topographies (“t1”, “t2”, “t3”, “t4”). Our goal is to identify whether these types of topography are present in the images provided by the users and where they are located .

Modelo bassed in dataiku solution :
1. Image selection and image division, for training and testing

2.Train the model from DDS nodes (no code)

3. Evaluate the model from code

4. Match the results with the input images for prior viewing

Frontstage: Interactive Interface

When farmers, stakeholders, and other users interact with the interface, they will be guided through an onboarding process where they will discover the platform’s features. On the home screen, they can explore options such as uploading photos, receiving personalized care recommendations, and finding opportunities previously mapped for their region. They will also have access to reports generated from the photos they upload, as well as mentoring sessions with key stakeholders, volunteers, or consultants like Ramboll.

By uploading a photo and clicking the button to start the simulation, they will receive a report with the best locations for aquifer recharge.

Stakeholders system map

Farmers and water resource managers are at the core of our target audience for the AG-MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge in Agriculture) solution. Farmers are crucial because optimizing aquifer recharge directly improves their ability to manage water for their crops, impacting agricultural productivity and sustainability. Water resource managers play a vital role in regulating and supervising water use. Efficient implementation of AG-MAR provides them with tools and accurate data to improve management, ensure water quality, and distribute resources equitably. Collaboration between these two groups is essential for the success of our solution, as their active participation ensures effective application and a lasting impact on water security and agricultural sustainability.

Backstage How does our blockchain model work?

The proposed cryptocurrency will be backed by water from aquifers. Its value will be based on the amount and quality of the water available. Each token will represent a specific amount of water, linking the physical resource with the digital asset. We will use existing platforms like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain to issue smart contracts to manage the tokens.

This technology will encourage building infrastructure for aquifer recharge (AG-MAR) and improve the system for collecting and distributing water. Strategic partnerships with companies and key players will be needed for sustainability. The cryptocurrency will help fund innovative projects and promote sustainable water management practices.

Trust in the asset will be supported by independent audits and following regulations. The cryptocurrency should be available on major exchanges for liquidity and accessibility, making it part of the global water economy.

Design for Resilient Communities

This solution will empower farming communities by ensuring more efficient management of water resources and optimizing aquifer recharge. By increasing the ability of aquifers to store water during periods of high precipitation and release it during droughts, farmers will have access to a more stable and predictable water resource.

Additionally, our system will provide data and recommendations that will help transition from water-intensive monocultures to crops that use resources more efficiently. This will not only promote environmental sustainability but also enhance the well-being and resilience of the communities.

This stability will allow communities to better adapt to climate fluctuations, ensuring continuous agricultural production and strengthening their capacity to face environmental challenges, resulting in greater resilience and food security.

Why the Solution Will Work

Our solution effectively addresses aquifer recharge and water management in agriculture, starting in the Valle del Cauca with the aim of scaling globally. This region is facing a water crisis, worsened by unsustainable water use in sugarcane cultivation, which could make agriculture unviable by 2065, according to the Universidad del Valle.

A key aspect of our solution is the use of artificial intelligence to identify the best locations for installing aquifer recharge systems, inspired by traditional practices like the amunas. This is combined with emerging technologies such as IoT and blockchain, which facilitate collaboration among farmers, government entities, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders, promoting more efficient and sustainable water management.

Our approach involves continuous measurement and improvement. While we recognize that this will take time, our goal is to address the issue innovatively and with methods not previously attempted. By integrating historical knowledge with modern technology and maintaining a constant cycle of evaluation and optimization, we aim to tackle the water crisis in new ways. Although we are initially focusing on the Valle del Cauca, we aim to develop a scalable model that can be adapted and applied to other regions facing similar challenges worldwide, enhancing agricultural practices and ensuring resilient water management on a global scale.

Roadmap for Roots of Water – Solution

“Let’s transform the future of water and agriculture: with every drop we recharge and every decision we make, we build a world where sustainable water management is not just an ideal but a tangible reality for everyone.”

Roots of Water


[1] – Gaonconnection:

[2] – Voragine (local):

[3] – Global Water Partnership: “Aguas subterráneas y agricultura de regadío: haciendo una relación beneficiosa más sostenible”

[4] – UNESCO: Aguas subterráneas y agricultura – UNESCO Biblioteca Digital

[5] – Dataiku: